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Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1(자바 J2ME CDC CLDC) 발표

피처폰 관련 모바일 게임 및 어플 개발할 때 가장 많이 쓰였던 개발환경인 MIDP CLDC CDC 개발의 핵심이자, 과거 J2ME라고 불리어왔던 Java ME의 새 SDK가 발표되었습니다.

Java EE와 Java SE가 모든 언어의 형식과 라이브러리가 호환이 되었던 것과 달리 Java ME는 용량이 작고 느린 환경을 지원하기 위해서 최초로 완벽한 자바 호환을 일정부분 포기하는 선택을 했었고, 그 선택이 적중하여 아이폰과 안드로이드가 나오기 전까지는 거의 대부분의 핸드셋에서 사용되는 막강한 플랫폼이었습니다.

3.x 대 이후 Java SE와 버전을 맞추기 위해 4, 5, 6, 7 버전을 뛰어넘어 바로 8로 판올림되었었는데, IoT에 맞춰 방향을 선회한 이후 오랫만에 보는 새 버전이네요.

최근 Java ME가 가장 활발하게 쓰이는 분야는 바로 라즈베리 파이입니다.

풍부한 자바 개발자의 저변을 이용하면서도, 가볍게 개발이 가능하기 때문에 라즈베리 파이 리눅스에 자바를 설치하시는 분들이 상당히 많아요.

쓸데없는 얘기가 조금 길었습니다.

Oracle Java ME Embedded 8.1가 새로 발표되었으니, 관심있는 분들은 한 번 방문해서 설치해 보세요.


라즈베리 파이와 프리스케일 개발보드를 사용하시는 분들은 즉시 사용해 보실 수 있습니다.

퀄컴 Qualcomm IoE platform 사용자들은 조금 더 기다리셔야 할 듯 하네요.

Oracle Java ME Embedded 8.1 for Raspberry Pi Model B (ARM11/Linux)
... for Freescale FRDM-K64F (Cortex-M4/mbed)

... for Qualcomm IoE platform (ARM9/Brew MP)

Oracle Java ME Embedded - a CLDC-based runtime targeted for use on highly memory constrained devices (<1MB)   
Oracle Java ME Embedded Client - a CDC-based runtime targeted for use on devices with slightly higher memory capacity (<10mb)

Oracle Java ME Embedded is a Java runtime that leverages the core Java ME technologies deployed in billions of devices around the world in the Internet of Things. The Java ME specifications are designed to be rich in functionality, portable to a wide range of devices, flexible, and secure while being very resource-efficient and keeping the demands on the underlying platform low.


Oracle Java ME Embedded 8.1 is an update release of Oracle Java ME Embedded 8 (see below), including the following new features and improvements:

    Support for resource-constrained devices based on ARM Cortex-M3/-M4 micro-controllers
    Developer Preview Release on Freescale FRDM-K64F
    Updated support for Raspberry Pi
    New communication, security & network functionality
    Tooling improvements such as heap analysis functionality, tooling over USB, and faster tooling communication
    A number of smaller enhancements

Supported Platforms:

    Raspberry Pi Model B on Debian Linux
    Freescale FRDM-K64F on mbed
    Device Emulation Environment on Windows 7 and 8


Oracle® Java Micro Edition Software Development Kit Release 8.1 for Windows

November 2014
    What's New in This Release
    Installation Prerequisites
    Supported Platforms
    Installing Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 Plugins
    Known Java ME SDK Bugs
    Known Java ME Embedded Runtime Bugs
    Documentation Accessibility
    Installation and Runtime Security Guidelines

What's New in This Release

The following items are new in the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 release:

    Support for Java ME Embedded 8.1

    Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 includes plugins for Eclipse IDE

    Java ME Embedded 8.1 supports new hardware: Freescale Kinetis K70 and K64

    To adhere to Oracle security recommendations, Java ME Embedded 8.1 no longer supports SSLv3

Installation Prerequisites

The Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 product has three distinct components:

    The Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 base platform, which includes the runtimes (virtual machines), emulators, libraries, and more.

    A supported IDE, such as NetBeans 8.0.1 or Eclipse 4.4 (installed separately).

    Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 plugins for NetBeans IDE 8.0.1 and Eclipse IDE 4.4. The plugins extend NetBeans and Eclipse so that you can seamlessly access the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 features and utilities from the IDE.

NetBeans IDE 8.0.1 or Eclipse IDE 4.4 must run with JDK 8u40 or higher in order to work with Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 plugins.

Supported Platforms

The minimum system configuration for working with Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 is:

    Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) with recent service packs.

    Java Platform, Standard Edition Software Development Kit (JDK) release 7 or 8 with latest updates.

    NetBeans IDE 8.0.1 or Eclipse IDE 4.4 with all the latest patches installed. You can download the latest versions at:



Installing Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 Plugins

Plugins make Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 platform features available in NetBeans IDE 8.0.1 or Eclipse IDE 4.4. Plugins are delivered in two bundles:

    Java ME SDK Tools: This bundle is required.

    Java ME SDK Demos: This bundle is optional, but useful for getting started quickly. The documentation refers to the demos to illustrate features.

    For more information on installing the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 plugins, see the Oracle Java Micro Edition Software Development Kit Developer's Guide for Windows.

    The samples do not implement security measures. The "Installation and Runtime Security Guidelines" suggest how to maintain an environment in which sample code can be run safely.

Known Java ME SDK Bugs

The following bugs are known to directly affect Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1:

Java ME SDK does not install if the path to the destination folder or the user profile folder contains non-ASCII characters

    The installer is not able to load certain files that are located on a path with non-ASCII characters if the language for non-Unicode programs is set to a locale other than the one used for that path. For example, if the destination folder where you want to install Java ME SDK or the user profile folder contains Russian characters, the language for non-Unicode programs must be set to Russian locale. This will not happen if you use only ASCII characters in your paths.

    However, if you need to have non-ASCII characters, you can manage the language for non-Unicode programs in Windows as follows:

        Open the Control Panel, select Clock, Language, and Region, and then select Region and Language.

        Open the Administrative tab and check the Language for non-Unicode programs section.

        Click Change system locale and select the locale that is used in your paths.

        Click OK and then Apply.

Known Java ME Embedded Runtime Bugs

The following Java ME Embedded 8.1 runtime bugs may affect users of Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1:

A device may not be automatically recognized by the Device Manager

    If you start Java on a device, then start the Device Manager, open the Device Connections Manager, and click Add, the board may not be present in the IP Address or Host Name drop-down list. You should enter the IP address or host name manually.
Device appears to be connected after it is unplugged

    If a device is connected in the Device Connections Manager, the status does not change when you unplug the device.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.
Installation and Runtime Security Guidelines

Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 requires an execution model that makes certain networked resources available for emulator execution. These required resources might include, but are not limited to, a variety of communication capabilities between the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 components. It is important to note that the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 installation and runtime system is fundamentally a developer system that is not specifically designed to guard against any malicious attacks from outside intruders. Given this, the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 architecture can present an insecure operating environment to the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 installation file system itself, as well as its runtime environment, during execution. For this reason, it is important to observe the precautions outlined in the following security guidelines when installing and running the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1.

To maintain optimum network security, Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 can be installed and run in a closed network operating environment, meaning the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 system is not connected directly to the Internet, or to a company Intranet environment that could introduce unwanted exposure to malicious intrusion. This is the ideal secure operating environment when it is possible. Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 does not require an Intranet connection that supports network connections to systems outside the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 architecture to intra-company resources.

An example of a requirement for an Internet connection is Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 running wireless functionality that requires a connection to the Internet to support the communications with the wireless network infrastructure that is part of the Java ME application execution process. Whether or not an Internet connection is required depends on the particular Java ME application running on Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1. For example, some Java ME applications can use an HTTP connection. In any case, if the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 is open to any network access you should be aware of the following precautions to protect valuable resources from malicious intrusion:

    Installing the Java ME SDK Demos plugin is optional. Some sample projects use network access and open ports. Because the sample code does not include protection against malicious intrusion, you must ensure your environment is secure if you choose to install and run the sample projects.

    Install Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 behind a secure firewall that strictly limits unauthorized network access to the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 file system and services. Limit access privileges to those that are required for Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 usage while allowing all the bidirectional local network communications that are necessary for the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 functionality. The firewall configuration must support these requirements to run Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 while also addressing them from a security standpoint.

    Follow the principle of least privilege by assigning the minimum set of system access permissions required for installation and execution of Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1.

    Do not store any sensitive data on the same file system that is hosting Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1.

    To maintain the maximum level of security, make sure the operating system patches are up-to-date on the Oracle Java ME SDK 8.1 host machine.

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