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[정보] JMF(Java Media Framework) v2.1 발표

자바에서 멀티미디어 기능을 수행/향상토록 하는 JMF v2.1이 나왔습니다.

JMF v2.0과의 기능상의 차이는 없으며, 성능향상 버전으로 생각하시면 됩니다.

역시 이전과 마찬가지로 캡쳐가능한 성능향상 버전(Windows, Solaris)과

캡쳐외 기능들이 모두 지원되는 크로스-플랫폼 버전이 있습니다.


Java Media Framework 2.1

The JMF 2.0 API extends JMF 1.0 to provide support for capturing and
storing media data, controlling the type of processing that is
performed during playback, and performing custom processing on media
data streams.

In addition, JMF 2.0 defines a plug-in API that enables advanced
developers and technology providers to more easily customize and
extend JMF functionality.

You can use the JMF 2.1 reference implementation to develop
applications and applets that present, capture, store, or transmit
time-based media such as audio and video.

Three versions of the reference implementation are available:
Java Media Framework 2.1: A cross-platform implementation written
entirely in the Java programming language for use on Java Compatible

Java Media Framework 2.1 with SolarisTM Performance Pack: Adds
optimizations for increased performance and functionality
on the Solaris platform.

Java Media Framework 2.1 with Windows Performance Pack: Adds
optimizations for increased performance and functionality
on Windows platforms.